Saturday, June 28, 2014

Tomodachi Life Continued

Annnnnnddd we're back! Mom on the news reporting a new fad game that has hit Sealight Island!

Back to you, Aileen's lookalike! Ho ho ho, I'm not santa, but we got ourselves a jolly ol' proposal here on Sealight Island!

Congratz to the newly weds. Bunbun and GreenPiggy! Cheers to our first family on Sealight Island! 

By the way we had to use Age-o-matic spray to age Bunbun and Greenpiggy to adults! They couldn't get married otherwise!

Big Bad Wolf reports the grand opening of Sealight Housing! Bunbun and Greenpiggy will be our first tenants! They'll still be visiting their old rooms though from time to time so don't worry!

A toast to the new couple in their new house!:

Oh no!

Upon the hill across the blue lake, that's where I had my first heartbreak. 

Aw! What a cute group photo of the guys hanging out together on the Ferris Wheel. Rick seems excited about something though.

I'm walking on sunshine! Woahhhhh! Dad is dreaming of cheeseburgers.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry to get hitched! Here's Aileen and Rick's wedding. Look, everyone even clapped when he proposed. :)

Aw, isn't this how every marriage should be? ;)

Meanwhile, Eve is at the cafe, enjoying a cup of joe elegantly like a princess. 

Curt has some new headphones. I just had to give him this when I saw it in the island's hat store. Curt without headphones is like peas without carrots!

Christopher has made island history by accomplishing the amazing feat of stretching a disposable camera! 

Even Red seems amazed. In any case, here's our rankings for this week.

Rick is leading the popularity rank with Mom close behind.

What?! Bunbun is more attractive than me?!

And Mom seems to be doing the healthiest, with Bunbun at second. Glad I could keep you guys well. I wonder if the Vitality Ranking is affected by how many colds/stomach aches a mii gets, or if it works vice versa, like the higher the mii's vitality, the less chance they have of catching cold or stomach flu? Or maybe I'm reading too much into this.

Curtis also seems to be single-handedly providing for the island's film and entertainment industry. Speaking of ham, I got a bunch of islanders in on performing the island musical!

Song not mine, it's Nintendo's default song. Pretty, no? XD

Welcome, America, to Sealight Island! America is a character in this anime series called Hetalia where they have all the countries of the world personified by strange, quirky, people during the era of WWI - WWII.

Also, this is apparently what happens when you give a mii their all-time favorite food.

Not sure if... this is good advice for life, or if Blossom is an egomaniac.

Oh no! Not banana peels!

Oh lord, the humanity...!

Meanwhile, Curt's got a severe case of kitty ears, America and Mom are taking unsolicited pictures of me, and the guys gather again for another heart-to-heart talk at the cafe.


It's about time! This actually occurred a lot earlier, right after Bunbun proposed to Greenpiggy, but I'm showing it now. Of course the gorgeous Edgeworth is just a shoe-in.

I also figured out some funny stuff you can do with the miis just by touching them with your stylus. This is America after I spun him around a couple times. I find the trick is to grab them by the feet and quickly slide the stick. You can also make them play fetch with the gifts you give em!

Of course! I always knew sardines was the root of all evil... I mean cavities! And yakitori too. Whatever that is. I don't know. I'm American.

Another happy couple, cheers to Azalic and Red!

Meanwhile, Scarecrow is depressed because she was rejected by her crush, Big Bad Wolf. So I sent her on a lil trip to Africa to forget about her first-world problems. Yeah, hard to complain about unrequited love when mosquitos the size of Texas are on your back, bitch! Ahaha- I mean, I thought it'd take her mind off her problems.

Rick got a new job as the amusement park's butt monkey. Except that's a bear suit. So I guess butt bear?

Rick also tries to set up Scarecrow and my brother, Curt, to no avail.


Amazing! Let's see bystanders' comments:

*facepalm* *headdesk* #braindamagegoingtohospitalnowbrb

This is what the island looks like in case anyone was wondering. You weren't? Oh, good...

At last, my dream has been realized. The Powerpuff Girls are now a pop band on Sealigh Island! In other news...

Vulpix also predicts you will give him all your money.

A cute picture of Chris and Eve. ^_^

I leave you guys with a bit of Blossom's wisdom:

See you next time!