Friday, June 20, 2014

Tomodachi Life Blog, Days 1, 2, 3, and possibly 4?

Day 1 on Sealight Island in my new game, Tomodachi Life for the 3DS. It's basically a game like the Sims except you import miis from the Mii Maker or make miis and they move into their own apartments and live crazy lives that you as a unseen benevolent overseer influence to help solve their problems. In any case, this blog is for my friends and family that I made miis of and put into my game. So they can see their mii selves and what kinda crazy stuff they get into on the island.

Curt here is modeling for the opening of the new clothing store on Sealight Island. Apparently he's a fashionista now, expert on fashion, he had a comment on the new clothing store but it was lost to my lack of skill at this point with the Nintendo 3DS camera controls in this game. He said something along the lines of that this would be where all the new trends would start I believe.

Mom here is posing for the opening of the island's official hat store. 

And here's Mom again posing for the opening of the Image Share center. Nothing really important, but I can use this to upload pictures from my game onto the Nintendo Image Share website I think.

Here's Christopher and another island, Rick, posing for the new Concert Hall. Now all the miis have a place to sing and dance! (Rick is a character in one of my stories.)

Chris is also excited for the opening of the Observation Tower!

So now the Mii News Station has an official HQ from which to broadcast the inane stories of miis' lives on the island!

Speaking of news, isn't it really ironic this popped up?

I've got a tear in my eye. The age-old tale of a Swimming Certificate and an Acorn's forbidden love.

I also made a mii for my pet rabbit, Bunbun! Here she is working her part time job at the food store. The miis on this island all seem to hold a variety of part time jobs.

Aww! I got this cute pic of Mom and Dad hanging out on the beach.

So in this game, you can go into miis' dreams while they're dreaming. This is what I dreamt of. 
From left to right: Bunbun, Dad, Curt, Me, Chris, Rick, and another fictional character, Azalic.

By the power of the AR card and the 3DS camera, I summon thee unto my desk!

So many openings! I've lost track now whether this is Day 1 or Day 2. Now the compatibility tester is open so we can test romantic and friendship compatibility! And the forecast for the relationship between two miis for the next week. No, I'm not joking, it's real.

Here we all are, celebrating the new record of 10 islanders now on this island! To the far left is Eve, my brother Christopher's fiancee.

So I didn't mention this before, but we have an island ranking board. Now we have a new type of ranking, the Popularity Ranking! Naturally, Bunbun is a shoe-in.

Curt and I are arguing it seems. Good God, we're even throwing bowling balls at each other?!

Eve and I look so proud about ourselves... though we didn't do anything. Now we can take official islander pictures! Say cheese!

The first official photo of all our islanders!

A cute picture of Chris and Eve.

A funny (and cute picture) of Mom and Dad.

Two more pics of Mom and Dad, this time in a romantic setting. I don't know. Which one do you guys like better?

Oops! Is this photo a little too early?

O.O Put down the needle, Mom. I got a sewing machine, so I thought, who better to give this to then Mom? And this is the result: 

Curt in a kitty suit... which he loves.

At last, the amusement park opens, aka Leisure Island! A satellite island near Sealight Island. Also where the news station is located. Anywho, who better to design the place than the funnest guy around?

In any case, moving on. :)

Ooh la la~! A new category for our Ranking Board! The "Who's the most charming girl on the island?" Rank! Naturally, it's me.

Another one. This one is to determine who is the most pampered mii on the island. Aka "who is Aileen's favorite mii?" Or as they call me, "Aileen's Lookalike". Since apparently I am just the lookalike of my mii, Aileen.

It looks like the islanders have taken to having "Guy Time" and "Girl Time". Lately the guys have been gathering here gossiping about the girls. Or each other. As shown in the photo. New islanders have been added btw. One named GreenPiggy that I got off the internet.

Here is Waffle's, giving a speech in my honor. *sniff* 100 problems have been solved... and it's all thanks to me... Maybe nobody cares, but I'm posting this speech here anyway! Just skip it if you really don't wanna read it. :P

All has gone according to plan, Mom and Dad are in a relationship, and hopefully soon will be married. Unfortunately in this game you can't start off with miis married, even if their real-life counterparts are.

In the meantime, a budding young romance has started between the children, GreenPiggy and Bunbun!

Time for the first island barbecue! In the picture we have sharply dress Azalic, Rick, Vulpix, and Mom.

So even though I didn't really want a relationship between my mii and Rick, it was the only way to unlock all the island's features was to get two miis together. Or at least, one mii to confess their love and the other to reject them. But he's such a sweetie it's making it difficult for me to break up my mii and him. Not that I can anyway. My mii seems to have no interest in breaking up with him though I recently added the gorgeous Miles Edgeworth from the Ace Attorney series to my game!

Oh, you!

Oh, my goodness! Bunbun is having a dream about transforming into a super magical girl! XD I wish I would have that dream! Just like Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, Do Re Mi, blah, blah, blah, blah...

Good advice. Very good advice.

I added the Powerpuff girls to my game. This is Buttercup trying to mysteriously remind GreenPiggy to compost. I don't know what else to say about this...

Mr. 47 from the video game series, Hitman, is giving everyone exercising lessons.
From left to right: Blossom, Waffles, GreenPiggy, Bunbun, Little Red Riding Hood(?)

Apparently my miis have found a new past time of sliding down the neck of a giraffe, mysteriously named the same name as one of my islanders, Scarecrow. (Another addition from my fictional story).

Curt prefers sleeping in the park like a homeless person.

Aww... this is actually one of those serious moments in my blog. This is really good advice for life. Really, I need to be told this some days. I have anxiety and can get kinda depressed sometimes. Don't worry I'm getting treatment for it. In any case, I wonder if this game could be used to decrease symptoms of depression in sufferers, like the game Jewel Quest is said to decrease depression symptoms? (I'm not a doctor I take no responsibility for what I say here. My speculation is not meant to be replacement for a real doctor's care. Please, if you think you may have depression and/or anxiety, which often go hand-in-hand, see a professional and if you are thinking of suicide, please don't do it. So many people care about you and there is so much more in life than you think. So many survivors of attempted suicides have said they were glad they were saved, so please, call the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255.

Our first magic show here on the island at Leisure Island. Oh God, reminds me of Pleasure Island O.O Waffles the Great is splitting Vulpix in half. In case anyone's curious, Waffles isn't from any story, he's just a random mii I made up and named after the breakfast I had one morning. What I thought was really neat was the feature where you participated in the magic show by pushing your hands towards the screen to split the mii in half. I still can't figure out how they did that! How did they sense the movement of my hands without me touching the screen?! Call me behind the times for not understanding what could possibly be to everyone else common technology, but I'm still impressed!

Looks like it's time for another Boys' Talks:

The boys give expert fashion advice.

Apparently they're planning to build a secret base where they can hoard oranges. Well, if I wake up one day and the island's orange supply is down, I know who to blame.

And they discuss the secrets of true love.

Oh noes! Mr. 47 was arrested?!

...For putting hot mustard in people's food... Oh, and apparently now Rick and my Dad are police officers.

Also, to torment me more and make me look worse, the miis have added an additional ranking to the Ranking Board. This time to announce who I have spent the most money on so far. Thank you miis. If this turns into another Lord of the Flies, I'll know why.

A truly heart-wrenching scene of Red (Little Red Riding Hood) and Rick fighting over a teddy bear. Oh the woes.

Nintendo has no shame towards self-advertising. This is me (my hair is dyed blue), Curt, Mom, and Mr. 47 playing a Wii-U.

And now I shall leave you with a clip of the gorgeous Edgeworth's dream of him turning into a superhero:

And some good advice.

Edit: Okay, so, I uploaded this really late last night so please, mind the mistakes. I fixed a few but I can't be bothered to fix them all and some are actually kinda funny. Also, for some reason some of the pictures are corrupted? I'm sorry about this. We have Rick and my Dad's miis investigating this as we speak. It may have something to do with a fiend who pulled out the SD card last night without properly ejected it. In any case, Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this and have no more issues with corrupted pictures. But hey, all's well, end's well since Edgeworth's pictures are still in tact, wright?!

1 comment:

  1. So far an interesting few days in he island, and some very.....interesting characters you have we'll see how they things go....
